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The Republic of Cyprus occupies the southern part of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean. It covers an area of 9,250 square kilometres. There is approximately 2,219 kilometres of roads in Cyprus to enjoy.

Cyprus having in the past been a colony of the British Empire, has adopted the British road system. The condition of the Cypriot roads and highways in our opinion is excellent. Roads in Cyprus are very well kept and are constantly upgraded.

Unlike many other European Countries, in Cyprus traffic jams or very busy traffic roads are hardly ever encountered. However long your stay on the island of Cyprus, it is very much worth it, to hire a car and explore the island and its towns, countless beaches, the traditional Cypriot villages and of course the mountains of Troodos.


The links below provide an insight of things to do and explore on your stay in Cyprus. 


Cyprus Tourism Organisation

Places to visit in Cyprus


Rules of the road

Overtaking & passing

Drive on the left; overtake on the right. Overtake on the right, except when the vehicle to be overtaken is turning to the right.


At junctions where there are no signs, drivers must give way to vehicles coming from the right.

Seat belts

The use of seat belts is compulsory on the front and rear seats of cars.

Speed limits

Speed limits are in KPH – kilometers per hour.

Highway: (motorway)                       65km minimum – 100km maximum

National Road                                  80km

Country Roads                                  65km

Built – up areas                                 50km


On-the-spot fines

The Cyprus Police are empowered to impose fines on the spot in cases of violation of traffic regulations.

Traffic fines are not paid to the officer at the roadside.



Parking regulations conform to international practice.

Where a double yellow line is painted parallel to the kerb, parking and waiting are prohibited at all times. If the yellow line is single, loading and unloading is allowed but parking is prohibited at all times.

Enforcement of parking regulations

An on-the-spot fine of €85 may be imposed for illegal parking.

Disabled parking access

There are reserved parking spaces for the disabled which are sign posted.  These may also be used by foreign disabled motorists provided they are in possession of the blue badge.

Traffic lights

The international three-colour system of traffic lights is used in Cyprus.

Drink/drug driving

The maximum legal level of alcohol in the blood is 0.05%.


The police are empowered to carry out random breath tests. Persons suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol may be subjected to a blood test.

Useful numbers:

112 - Here's a really important bit of knowledge; you can dial 112 from anywhere in Europe and an operator will connect you to an emergency service.

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