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The Rental Agreement comprises these terms and conditions and the rental document setting out the hire details which is provided with each vehicle at the point of hire (referred to in these terms and conditions as the "Rental Document"). The Rental Agreement is made between DKM World Rent a Car Limited (herein referred to as "the owner") and the person and/or company signing the Rental Document (herein referred to as "the hirer") whose particulars are recorded in the Rental Document. It is hereby agreed as follows:

Allocated Vehicle

The vehicle allocated to the Hirer shall be as described in the category or similar. (For example, if a car is chosen from the A/M category a similar car in the same category will be allocated)

Use of The Vehicle

Not to permit the vehicle to be driven by anyone than himself or person approved by the Owner. Further it is the Hirer’s responsibility to make sure that all drivers of the vehicle are designated drivers and their names and details appear on the appropriate space on the other side of this rental agreement. They must be over 21 years of age and holders of a valid full driving license for a minimum of 3 years. Drivers aged between 21-24 are required to pay a Young Drivers Insurance with a surcharge of €5.00 per day. Drivers aged 25 years and over, need to have held a valid driving license for a minimum of 1 year. The Maximum driving age is 70 years old.

The Hirer undertakes that the vehicle will not be used:

  1. For paid carriage of passengers and in races

  2. To push or tow any vehicle or trailer

  3. By anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  4. For illegal purposes

  5. While overloaded with passengers, in other words carrying more passengers permitted by the registration papers of the said vehicle


The Hirer undertakes to keep the said vehicle closed and locked when not in use, keeping in his possession the vehicle documentation, which shall in no case be left in the vehicle.


The Hirer shall in no event assign, sell, mortgage or pledge this contract, the vehicle, equipment or tools.

The Hirer may drive the car only on roads within geographical area of Cyprus which are under the full control of the legal and recognised Government of the Republic of Cyprus or British Base Areas. The vehicle may not be driven in areas or roads at present under the control of the Turkish occupation forces or Turkish Cypriots or nearby proximity to such areas. In such a case the Hirer is not only excluded from any insurance cover but he is also excluded from any legal or breakdown cover.


The Hirer may not drive the car on non-asphalt covered roads, dirt or uneven roads. The Hirer will be held personally responsible for any violation (accidental or deliberate) of any of the above rules either by himself or by any of the drivers of the car. He also remains personally responsible for the entire amount of all direct or indirect damages or expenses or cost caused to the vehicle or the Owner, regardless of any insurance or other covers or waivers purchased. Further, any violation of any of these undertakings authorises the Owner to demand return of the vehicle forthwith.


Conditions of the Vehicle

The Hirer acknowledges that he received the said vehicle in proper operating condition and clean.
Tyres: All tyres are in good condition, without punctures. In the event of damage to any of them by any cause other than normal wear, the Hirer agrees to replace the same forthwith at his expense with a tyre of the same quality and dimensions. Hirer is excluded from responsibility if he had obtained and paid for the extra damage waiver option (EDW). Driving the car on a flat tyre or uneven roads cancels any cover purchased for windscreen, other glasses and oil sump of the vehicle. 
Car Key: The Hirer remains responsible for the cost of a replacement key, in case of loss or damage. Further in the case that the Hirer loses the car key, he is not entitled to any refund in terms of ‘lost time’ from his car rental term. The same applies in the case that the keys are locked in the car. No insurance cover or waiver applies.
Upholstery and interior space: The Hirer remains responsible for the cost of repair of any damages on the upholstery or interior space of the vehicle No insurance cover or waiver applies.
Engine: The Hirer agrees that he will respond properly to any panel warning light/screens and or messages of the vehicle. Failure to do so results in the Hirer personally responsible for any damages on the engine or other parts of the vehicle. No insurance cover or waiver applies.

Renal – Prepayments – Extensions

The rental price is determined by the applicable rate lists and are payable in advance. In any case prepayment may not serve to extend the rental agreement. If the Hirer wishes to keep the vehicle for a period exceeding that agreed to originally, and in order to prevent disputes, he shall, after obtaining the Owners agreement, prepay for the extension. The Hirer agrees to return the vehicle to Owner on the date specified in the rental agreement. Return of the vehicle by the Hirer to the Owner at the designated location terminates the contract. The Hirer cannot return the car to any other place than the one specified on the rental agreement without written consent from the Owner.
In the case the Hirer does not return the car on the agreed date and/or place, the Owner preserves the right to terminate the rental agreement and collect the car on his own without monetary or legal obligations against the Hirer. The Hirer still remains responsible for all rental charges or expenses that may arise due to the above action. In the case the Hirer returns the vehicle to the Owner before the agreed period the Hirer shall not be entitled to any refund of the agreed rental agreement. Any outstanding balance remains payable by the Hirer.



The Hirer undertakes to pay the Owner on demand:
a) The additional charge of intercity service, if any, or if the said vehicle is left at a place other that the stipulated without the owners written consent, a lump sum stated in the applicable rate list.
b) The additional charges for out of opening hours or out of town limits delivery of the said vehicle.
c) The rental time charges, the special accident insurance premiums and the miscellaneous fees and charges.
d1) If the Hirer paid for Collision Damage Waiver he will be covered against the damage to the said vehicle to be caused from collision as a result of his negligence except the amount that is indicated as deductible (excess) amount in the CDW row on the front side of this rental agreement.
d2) If the Hirer did not pay for Collision Damage Waiver he is responsible for the market value/cost of replacement of the said vehicle.
d3) With or without CDW, customer will be excluded from any coverage in the case of customer negligence and non-compliance with the conditions of both sides of this rental agreement. In such case, the full damage cost will be payable to the Owner.
e) All direct and indirect taxes and assessments payable on the rental. Premiums, charges and allowances specified in all paragraphs.
f) Upon demand for payment, the payment of the sums due pursuant to this contract by the Hirer to the Owner shall be paid within 48 hours. If the Hirer defaults payment, as well as the amount in principle and recoverable costs, the Hirer shall have to pay the contractual interest at prime cost plus 3%.
g) The Hirer remains responsible for all fines, charges, costs and taxes for any and all infringements of traffic, parking or other laws for which the vehicle the Hirer is responsible for during the term of the contract plus an amount of ­€35 as admin costs.
h) The Hirer agrees to pay all cost damages, charges produced in relation to topics or conditions described in all articles or paragraphs of both sides of this rental agreement.



  1. The third-party insurance of the said vehicle is according to the terms and conditions of the relevant insurance policy with the Hire Risk Pool of which knowledge by the Hirer is confirmed and which he undertakes to observe. It does not cover the driver for death or injuries.

  2. The Hirer hereby approves the said policy and undertakes to observe the terms and conditions thereof. The Hirer further agrees to take all necessary steps to protect the interests of the Owner and its Insurance company in the case of accident during the term of this Rental Contract and in particular:
    a) To report to the Owner immediately of any accident, theft or fire, even partial and similarly to the police.
    b) To include in this report the circumstances, date, place and address of the owner of the other vehicle involved, the number plate of such vehicle, the name of such owners insurance company and the number of the policy.
    c) To attach to such report any available police report.
    d) In no event to discuss liability, deal or settle with parties relative to the accident. Any infraction of he above excludes the Hirer from any insurance/CDW coverage.

  3. Carried clothing goods, or any other article are not covered.

  4. The vehicle is insured only for the rental period shown on the reverse side of this page. Thereafter, unless an extension is agreed to, no insurance will be valid and the Hirer is fully responsible for any accidents which the Hirer may have caused.

  5. The Owner declines any responsibility for objects left in the vehicle. Personal belonging, GPS navigation systems and Baby seats remain at Hirers responsibility at all times.  

  6. Any damage resulting from poor or bad use of the vehicle, for example driving on poor or uneven roads will be the Hirers responsibility.

  7. The Owner declines any responsibility to third parties for injury or damage that the Hirer may cause during the rental period if he has wilfully supplied the Owner with false information such as, his identity, address or validity of his driving license. In that case the Hirer is not covered by the insurance policy.





Maintenance and Repair

Normal mechanical wear is for the account of the Owner. If the vehicle should be laid up, the repairs may be made only with written agreement and according to the Instructions of the Owner. Repairs must be covered by a receipted and itemised bill, with which the replaced defective parts must be presented.


Petrol and Oil

Except if otherwise stated overleaf petrol & diesel are the Hirer’s responsibility. The Hirer must take a standing check of the oil and water levels. If required and changed during use must have the Owners authorisation, and a receipted and itemised bill must be presented.



The Hirer are criminally liable for infringements committed by them while driving the vehicle, as provided In the Highway Code.


Validity of Contract

No amendments of terms and conditions of this contract is valid unless produced in writing.

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